How to Run ArchLinux Plasma on Android.

 ArchLinux plasma is one of the linux distribution created for the computer which run on 32 bit processors or x86_64 processors.Archlinux follows the rule of KISS Principle which stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. Archlinux plasma is a light wieght and visually appealing desktop environment.

Android is also a linux distribution so technically we can run Archlinux plasma in android without any issue and it also supports low power processor to run this os so there wil no issue for getting stuck on booting or other problem.

This tutorial post will guide you through steps by which you can learn how to run Archlinux plasma on android


  • VNC Viewer.(Available in Playstore)


Installation of required apps:

  • Install the required apps from the above mentioned link, termux need to be downloaded from the third party website as it is not available in playstore.

Configuration inside the termux.

  • Follow the below commands to get started.
  • First update and upgrade the packages using the following link:
  • Command:
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

  • Command:
apt update && apt upgrade -y

  • Now Install the proot using the below command:
  • Command:
apt install proot-distro

  • After installing proot distro, we need to install Archlinux from the proot-distro by the below command.
  • Command:
proot-distro install archlinux

  • Depending on internet connection, it might take 2-5 minutes to download and extract the file.
  • Now enter the next command to login inside the archlinux
  • Command:
proot-distro login archlinux --bind /dev/null:/proc/sys/kernel/cap_last_cap

  • Now you will inside the archlinux and type the below commands to continue the installation process
  • Command:
uname -a

  • Command:
pacman -Syuu

  • Command:
pacman -S nano sudo neofetch

  • Command:

  • The command "neofetch" will display the installed linux package in graphical way and it will provide some additional info and details about the package.

Adding user

  • Type the below command to add the user.
  • Command:
useradd your-name

  • Example:
useradd Joy

  • Next make the user as root by entering the below command.
  • Command:
su your-name

  • Example:
su Joy

  • Next, you need to create a password for the added user.
  • follow the next steps to setup a password for the user.
  • First exit from the current directory by typing exit command.
  • Enter the next command to set the password.
  • Command:
passwd your-name

  • Enter the any four character password which you can remember.
  • After successfully updating the password, now you need to edit some Codes in the file using nano package.
  • Command:
nano /etc/sudoers

  • Code:
your-name ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  • save and exit the nano by ctrl + c.
  • Now you have been assigned to root previleges.
  • Type the below commands to work inside your root directory.
  • Command:
su your-name

  • Command:
sudo pacman -S
  • Now enter the password again.
  • Command:
sudo pacman -Su

  • After adding the user and password, now its time to install plasma desktop.
  • Command:
sudo pacman -S plasma-desktop

  • It will give two options to select from, just type 1 and press enter to continue.
  • It will give nine option to select from, just type 6 and press enter to continue.
  • After that it will give two options to select from, just type 1 and press enter to continue and.
  •  last it will give another two options to select, now just press enter to continue, and enter y to finish.
  • Now it will take around 1 hour to download and install.
  • After completing the installing process, now its time web browsers.
  • Command:
sudo pacman -S firefox  dolphin konsole kdeplasma-addons kde-gtk-config

  • Install the sound in archlinux by following the below steps:
  • First open a new session in termux by swiping left and clicking on new session.
  • After that type the below command:
  • Command:
apt install pulseaudio

  • This will give support for the pusle audio in archlinux.
  • After installing pulseaudio package, now you need to create a file of pulseaudio.
  • Command:
cat pulse
  • copy and paste below code inside the pulse file.
  • Code:
pulseaudio --start --exit-idle-time=-1 && pacmd load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1

  • Command:
bash pulse

  • Now install the X11-repo and vnc server for archlinux by below command:
    • Command:
    apt install x11-repo && apt install tigervnc xorg-xhost 

    • Installation processes of all files is complete now its time to run the archlinux on android.

    Running Archlinux on Android.

    • Type the belo commands to open a vnc server for archlinux.
    • Command:
    vncserver -geometry 2290x1080 -listen tcp :1

    • It will ask you to create a password, enter a simple password to continue.
    • Command:
    rm -rf $PREFIX/tmp/.X*

      • Command:
      DISPLAY=:1 xhost +

      • Now go back to earlier session of archlinux download.
      • Type the below command:

      • Command:
      export PULSE_SERVER=

      • Command:
      DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch plasma_session

      • Now go to VNC Viewer app and create a new desktop by clicking on plus sign.
      • Enter the below Details:
      • Name:Arch Linux
      • Address:

      • Enter the password which you created earlier while running vncserver.
      • Voila, Arch linux on your android. It will ask you for the root password.
      • Password:
      • root
      • And Arch linux desktop on your android, You will get desktop like this.

      Enabling sound inside archlinux

      • To enable the sound inside the archlinux, first open the terminal.
      • Type the below command to install vlc
      • Command:
      sudo pacman -S vlc

      • Now, Connect the vlc to the pulse audio.
      • Command:
      PULSE_SERVER= vlc


      • Installation of Arch linux was easier due to the termux, as termux provides all the necessary tools by which we can install any software of linux distributions.
      • Arch linux can be used as pc on android phone, you customize according to your need, install coding software to learn coding or play youtube videos or songs with audio by pulse audio integration etc.
      • If you like this tutorial post, you might be interested in Installing Kali linux on android which you can check it out here or,
      • If you want to learn some coding with visual studio on android, you can check it out from here.
      • If you want to checkout the tutorial video of this post, you can click below play button to view.
