Installing and Running Parrot OS on Your Device Using Termux

 In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of installing and running Parrot OS on your device using Termux.


  • Termux X11.(Available in Froid)


Update Termux:

  • First, open the Termux app and update the package lists and installed packages using the following commands:
  • These commands ensure that all your current packages are up to date.
  • Command:
pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y

Install Necessary Packages:

  • Next, install the necessary packages required to run Parrot OS
  • These packages will help in managing and setting up the Parrot OS environment.
  • Command:
pkg install x11-repo -y && pkg install termux-x11-nightly -y && pkg install pulseaudio -y && pkg install proot-distro -y && pkg install git wget -y

Clone the Repository:

  • Clone the repository containing the Parrot OS installation scripts
  • This repository includes all the scripts needed to set up Parrot OS.
  • Command:
git clone

Navigate to the Cloned Directory:

  • Change to the directory where the repository was cloned
  • Command:
cd parrotOS-GUI-proot

Grant Permissions to Setup Script:

  • Grant executable permissions to the setup script
  • This command ensures that the setup script can be executed.
  • Command:
chmod +x setup-parrot-cli

Run the Setup Script:

  • Execute the setup script to begin the installation.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions. The installation process may take around 30 to 45 minutes. You can speed up this process by minimizing resource-intensive tasks on your device.
  • Command:

Verify Installation:

  • Once the installation is complete, verify it by listing the installed distributions.
  • You should see Parrot OS listed among the installed distributions.
  • Command:
proot-distro list

Install and Launch Parrot OS:

  • To log into Parrot OS, use the following command.
  • This command starts a Parrot OS session within Termux.
  • Command:

Install sudo:

  • Add the sudo package to manage administrative privileges.
  • Command:
apt install sudo

Create a New User:

  • Create a new user with root privileges.
  • Replace yourusername with your desired username. Follow the prompts to set a password and other details.
  • Command:
adduser droidmaster

Edit sudoers File:

  • Edit the sudoers file to grant sudo privileges to the new user.
  • This grants full sudo privileges to your new user.
  • Command:
nano /etc/sudoers
  • Add the following line.
  • Command:
droidmaster ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Install GUI for parrot OS

  • To install Install GUI for parrot os, use the following commands.
  • Command:

Exit and Re-enter Parrot OS:

  • Exit Parrot OS and log back in using your new user.
  • Command:
chmod +x


  • Perform a cleanup to ensure your system runs smoothly.
  • Command:
sudo apt install lxdm
rm -rf .config/xfce4/
systemctl enable lxdm

Install Firefox and Chromium:

  • To install Firefox and Chromium, use the following commands.
  • Command:
sudo apt install firefox-esr -y && sudo apt install chromium -y

Run Firefox and Chromium:

  • You can now run Firefox directly. For Chromium, use the terminal.
  • Command:
chromium --no-sandbox


  • Congratulations! You've successfully installed and configured Parrot OS on your device using Termux. Customize Parrot OS as per your requirements and explore its extensive features. If you found this tutorial helpful, please like the video and share your thoughts in the comments below. Stay tuned for more tech tutorials and updates.
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  • If you want to checkout the tutorial video of this post, you can click below play button to view.
