How to send files from Phone to PC or Pc to Phone.

    In our lives, while using our smartphone we capture cool photos or videos, we reach important document through social media and days goes by our phone storage becomes full and asks us to delete our photos and videos and luckily you have a PC or laptop but you don't know how to transfer it to PC. 

Similarly while browsing on your pc you come across a nice photo of yours and you needed to make it a profile picture in one of your app and you don't know how to transfer it to phone. These scenarios have been come across by many of us, Dont worry, I have solution, not one but three.

In this post, I will guide you through two methods by which you can transfer your any files from PC to phone and phone to PC without any hassle.

These Methods doesnot required any wired cable transfers, all happens through wireless process.

Method 1: Through FTP


  • Wifi FTP Server App.(Available in Playstore)

Installation of required app:

  • Install Wifi ftp server app from playstore, there are two types of version available in playstore, one is free and another one is paid which of 0.13$.
  • Free version is better than buying according to my usage of this app, so need to buy.
  • If you want to safely transfer file from devices to devices, I recommend you to download from playstore.

Sending Files from Phone to PC or PC to Phone using FTP app

  • After Installing the app, open the app.
  • You will get a settings icon in the upper left, click on it.
  • Enable the option Anonymous access.
  • You can set UserId and password of your choice.
  • Go back and Click on START button.
  • After Clicking on START Button, Server url will be displayed in this manner.

  • ftp://192.168.**.***:****, It might be change on your case, Note down the Url.
  • open your PC or laptop and paste the url in Browser or file explorer.
Note: PC and Phone should be connected to the same network, otherwise it will not work.
  • Enter UserId and Password and It will display all the folders available on your Phone inside PC you can check inside the folder and copy it to the PC.
  • you can create a FTP folder inside of file explorer so that whenever you create a new connect you no need to enter the url, userId and password again.
  • To create a Ftp folder, right click on Network and go to properties.
  • Click on change advance sharing settings,Turn on file and printer sharing option.
  • Under network locations, right click and select add a network location. Click on next.

  • Click on choose a custom network location. and click next.
  • Enter the Server Url from Ftp app, Enable log on anonymously and Give the name of your choice and click finnish
  • That's it your ftp folder is enable, whenever you want to transfer your file from PC to phone just click on start of ftp app and click on ftp folder of file explorer, you can transfer it without hassle.
  • You can transfer the phone contents to pc from same ftp folder!
  • The average speed of File transfer is 7 MB/s

Method 2: Through Https


  • Sweech App.(Available in Playstore)

Installation of required app

  • Install Sweech app from playstore, there is only one version available in playstore, which one so need to worry about paying.
  • It is a simple app, no need of additional settings and the newtork is generated on a single click.

Sending Files from Phone to PC or Pc to Phone using Sweech app:

  • After Installing the app, open the Sweech app.
  • Just Click on Green Play button and It will Display a Url, Copy or Remember the url and you are good to go.

  • Open your pc and enter the url in Web browser and it will display all the contents available in your phone.

  • Note: Unlike ftp server app which works on file explorer, this app doesnot work on that, it only works on web browser.
  • Click on Download button to download the files from phone to PC.
  • And use Upload button to upload files from PC to Phone.
  • The average speed of File transfer is 6-7 MB/s.

Method 3: Phone to Phone using ftp


  • Wifi ftp server app.(Available in Playstore)
  • Fx File Explorer.(Available in Playstore)

Installation of required app

  • Apps should be installed in both phones and these apps can be downloaded freely from playstore.
  • This optional method, Most of you use google's nearby share feature and it is great but sometimes it fails and also it is low in file transfering, so I suggest you to try this method if you needed.

Sending Files from Phone to Phone using ftp

  • Open the wifi ftp server app and click on START button.
  • Then open the fx file browser app and Click on network icon.
  • Inside Network tab, click on plus sign and select ftp server.
  • Under Setup tab, enter the Server url from ftp server app in Ip address section.

  • Under Advance tab, enable Use alernate port and enter four digit port number from ftp server app.

  • Click on tick button and Ftp server is created, Click on it and you will get all the files of other phone on your phone.

  • The average speed of File transfer is 7-8 MB/s


  • There are many ways to send files from one device to another but not many ideas how to do it so I hopt this post helps you.
  • Transfering or sending time is less due to the ftp technology and you can send the files without any additional PC apps and cables.
  • If like this Post, You might be interested in running Windows XP in android and you can check it out from here.
  • Or You can learn how to run VS code PC application in android from here.
  • If you like view a short video of the method, you can click on play button below.
