How to Install and Run Windows ME on Android

Windows ME is a version of Microsoft's operating system that was launched in the year 2000. It was the successor of Windows 98.

Microsoft had added many features in Windows ME, such as System Restore and Movie Maker. Windows ME required certain conditions to be met in order to run on your device, such as a minimum of 32 MB of RAM and a 150 MHz processor.
But the good news is that it also supports some ARM processors, which are used in many Android devices.
What if we could run Windows ME on Android devices? In this post, I will show you how you can do it using a step-by-step method by which we will be able to run Windows ME on Android.

Disclaimer: This is for experimental purposes only, and if it does not work on your device, then your device is not compatible with this version of Windows ME.


  • Limbo PC emulator. (Click here to Download)
  • ZArchiver. (Available in Playstore)
  • FX File Explorer. (Available in Playstore)
  • Windows ME Image File.



Installation of Required Apps and Files:

  • Install all the required apps for the tutorial, such as Limbo PC, ZArchiver, and VNC viewer.
  • Download the Windows ME image file from the above link.

Download Windows Image File:

  • Download the Windows ME image file from the above link. The image file will be in a zip file.

Extraction of Image File:

  • After downloading the image file, open the ZArchiver app and open the downloads folder.
  • Here you will find a 7z file of Windows ME. Select the file and click on the extract button.
  • It will take around 10-15 minutes to extract the file.
  • The extraction time depends upon the processing power of your phone, so timings may vary.
  • After extraction is completed, you will get a VHD file of Windows ME, so make sure you have enough storage space on your device.

Configuration of Limbo PC for Windows ME:

  • Under User Interfaces:
  • Click on External VNC.
  • It will display the Server Address and Set the password.
  • Under CPU Board:
  • Select Machine type as PC.
  • Select CPU Model as pentium.
  • Add Cores to the System upto 4.
  • Add Ram to the System upto 1024 MB.
  • Select Disable TSC.
  • Select Enable MTTCG.
  • Under Disks:
  • Select Disk and Open the Download folder containing Windows ME.Img file.
  • Under Graphics:
  • Select Video card as VMware.
  • Under Advance:
  • Set Priority to High Priority.
  • Open the Vnc Viewer app:
  • Click on Plus sign.
  • Click on Address and set the Server Address as given in Limbo PC Emulator.
  • Give the Computer Name as Windows ME.
  • Click on Create and Set the Picture Quality to High and Disable Update Desktop Preview.
  • Click on connect and It will ask for the Password, Enter the Password created from the Limbo PC Emulator.
  • You will get the display of Windows ME screen.

Booting up Windows ME:

  • After all the options are selected, now it's time to click on the play button.
  • The booting process depends on the processor your phone has.
  • It might take around 10-20 minutes to boot, as it is an old version of Windows.
  • It might not come with all the features, but it will give you the feel of running Windows ME on Android.


  • So, in this way, you can run Windows ME on Android using the Limbo PC emulator.
  • It will be very slow, as it is an old OS, and it might take time to make it run smoothly by modifying it further in the future.
  • If you are interested, you can check out other cool Windows tutorials from here.
  • If you want to learn more about previous installation which was of Windows CE on Android, you can check it out from here.
  • If you want to watch the video tutorial of this post, click on the play button below.
